Desain rumah yang diinginkan untuk sebuah tapak, dalam gambar diatas, dijejali dengan berbagai ruangan cenderung akan menghasilkan ruangan yang tidak baik penghawaan alaminya, seperti dapur yang menghasilkan udara tak sedap atau kamar mandi di pojok ruangan. [a home design made by a person, in the picture above, stuffed with various rooms, tends to produce unhealthy room, like the kitchen that has no air flow or unpleasant bathroom at the corner.]
One of the classic characteristic of our society from a house design is the desire to obtain all the desired rooms in one area all on the first floor. In fact, it is not a good thing to force all the rooms to be on the first floor, because it might be crowded and will make the house look even narrower. This is according to the experience I have gained through many design process. Although not everyone does that, because there are also potential residents who wants a home that is completed with gardens, or maybe a pond.
Salah satu alasan utama tentang hal ini adalah karena menghadirkan ruang-ruang yang di lantai satu akan mempermudah kita mencapai ruang tersebut. Mudah dicapai karena bagi orang yang lebih berumur, barangkali akan agak kurang nyaman untuk naik turun tangga. Apalagi bila sudah berumur diatas kepala 4. Kamar tidur utama, ruang keluarga, dapur dan pantry adalah ruang-ruang yang biasanya ingin diletakkan di lantai satu, karena akan mempermudah penghuni mencapainya. Hal ini sangat wajar dan beralasan. karena itu ruang-ruang seperti ini sebaiknya memang dijadikan prioritas untuk diletakkan di lantai satu.
Ruang-ruang dengan penghuni yang lebih 'mobile' atau suka bergerak yaitu anak-anak, bisa dibuatkan ruang-ruang kamar di lantai atas. Ruang entertainment, perpustakaan, ruang belajar, bermain dan sebagainya juga bisa diletakkan di atas. Karena itu pada waktu mendesain, sebaiknya dipikirkan bagaimana agar ruang-ruang yang dibutuhkan dahulu diletakkan di lantai satu dan baru kemudian di lantai atas.
One of the main reasons of this is because it will be easier for us to reach a room at the first floor. Easily achieved due to the more old people will probably be a little less comfortable to go up and down the stairs. The main bedroom, family room, kitchen and pantry are rooms that are usually wanted to be placed on the first floor, because it will facilitate the residents for easy achievement. This is very reasonable, because these are such rooms that should indeed be a priority to be placed on the first floor.
Rooms with more 'mobile' residents like children, could be made on upstairs room. Entertainment room, library, study, play, etc. can also be placed on second floor. Therefore, at the time of designing, we should think about how to arrange spaces required to be placed on the first floor and then upstairs.
Rooms with more 'mobile' residents like children, could be made on upstairs room. Entertainment room, library, study, play, etc. can also be placed on second floor. Therefore, at the time of designing, we should think about how to arrange spaces required to be placed on the first floor and then upstairs.
Menyisakan sedikit lahan agar tidak seluruhnya untuk bangunan adalah langkah bijak. [Leaving little land that is not entirely for building is a wise step]
by Probo Hindarto
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