In a magazine or television about home and garden, we often find homes with mezanin floor. Mezanin floor is an additional floor which lies between two floors or between floors and roof. With the additional terms that mezzanine generally not included within the floor of a building, such as an additional floor made of wood or steel construction, though not always. Sometimes an additional Mezanin made of the same construction with the other floors.
Dalam prakteknya, mezanin sering dibuat terutama untuk menambah luas lantai pada suatu bangunan, misalnya sebuah rumah ingin ditambahkan lantai mezanin untuk ruang tidur anak, atau ruang baca. Tentunya mezanin tidak bisa diletakkan di semua bangunan, minimal, terdapat jarak antara lantai yang cukup, misalnya bila sebuah rumah memiliki jarak lantai dan plafon setinggi lebih dari 5 meter, cukup memadai untuk dibuatkan mezanin. Semakin tinggi sebuah rumah, maka semakin tidak masalah untuk menggunakan mezanin sebagai tambahan ruangan.
Photo by Escalier Hurel under Creative Commons Lisence.
Bila memungkinkan, kita bisa menambahkan lantai mezanin dalam rumah kita, misalnya untuk tambahan ruang entertainment/ ruang TV, ruang baca/ perpustakaan, atau ruang tidur anak. Lantai mezanin bisa dibuat dari struktur baja atau kayu, menggunakan lantai kayu juga atau dari panel lantai yang dibuat dengan cara prefab, atau sudah dibuat di pabrik
In practice, mezanin often made primarily to increase the floor area of a building, such as a house you want to add the floor to mezanin child's bedroom, or den. Mezanin certainly can not be placed on all buildings, at least, there is enough distance between the floors, for example if a house has a floor space and ceiling height of more than 5 meters, sufficient for making mezzanine. The higher a home, the more it does not matter to use as additional mezzanine space.
If possible, we can add mezanin floor in our house, for example, for additional entertainment room / TV room, reading room / library, or child's bedroom. Mezanin floor can be made from steel or wood structures, using a wooden floor or the floor panels are made with prefab way, or was made in a factory
by Probo Hindarto
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