Are the rooms of suitable size? Beyond the actual square footage of a room, we must consider its usable and apparent size. These factors are affected by shape, location, and size of openings; relation to other rooms and to the landscape treatment of walls, floors, and ceiling; kind, amount and arrangement of furniture. Some families prefer many small rooms, others a few large spaces. An open plan with wide expanses of’ window to unite indoors and out and with built-ins or minimal furnishings can visually provide more space in the small home.
Bagaimana mengatur perabot dalam ruangan sehingga efisien? Pertimbangan utamanya adalah bagaimana mengatur ruangan menjadi cukup untuk perabot, furniture dan lalu lintas penghuninya. Dalam perencanaan ruang-ruang dalam rumah kita harus mempertimbangkan bagaimana memuat barang-barang yang besar seperti tempat tidur dan sofa, serta bagaimana mengatur perabot dalam kelompok-kelompok yang memuaskan. Pintu, jendela, pendingin ruangan, saklar listrik dan outlet, lemari, semuanya membutuhkan ruang dan perlu dipikirkan aksesnya.
living room by bitsandbobbins, on Flickr
Will the rooms take the required furniture gracefully and efficiently? The primary consideration here is naturally adequate floor space for both furniture and traffic. But in planning a home we must also consider the question of suitable wall space—especially for such large items as beds and sofas—and the problem of arranging the furniture into satisfactory groupings. Doors, windows, heating and cooling vents, electrical switches and outlets, closets, and built—ins all take wall space and require access.
Apakah ada cukup ruang untuk penyimpanan? Sebuah fenomena yang hampir setiap orang mengalaminya cepat atau lambat adalah bahwa banyak barang yang perlu disimpan sudah terlalu banyak dan 'meluap' dari ruang yang ada, tak peduli berapapun luasnya. Lemari-lemari baik yang berdiri sendiri maupun build in dapat mengurangi jumlah barang yang berserakan dan dapat memberikan ruang lebih untuk hidup. Sering barang bekas yang digunakan musiman atau jarang digunakan diletakkan di tempat yang sering dilalui. Area penyimpan biasanya merupakan tuntutan terberat dalam menata sebuah rumah selama bertahun-tahun, seiring dengan bertambahnya barang dan juga jumlah keluarga.
Is there adequate storage space? A phenomenon almost everyone faces sooner or later is that storable items expand to fill and overflow the space allocated to them, regardless of how commodious that space might be. Ample built-in storage reduces the amount of furniture needed and thus provides more living space. Often-used items should be stored where used; seasonal or infrequently used articles can be stored in more out-of-the-way locations. Storage demands are usually heaviest during the expanding family years and also later years when a lifetime’s accumulation of possessions (and often children’s possessions) must be dealt with.
by Probo Hindarto
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