1. Apakah ada perbedaan antara struktur pondasi rumah satu lantai dengan dua lantai?
Ada. Perbedaannya pada kekuatan pondasi, yang hubungannya pada besar dan banyaknya kolom dan balok yang digunakan. Pondasi untuk dua lantai tentunya harus sesuai dan kuat untuk dua lantai, sehingga ada kemungkinan pondasi satu lantai harus dibongkar, dirubah, ditambah atau diganti sehingga lebih kuat.
2. Namun apabila struktur pondasi awal hanya diperuntukkan untuk bangunan satu lantai apakah bisa memperbaiki pondasi tapi tidak merubah total pondasi yang sudah ada agar biaya bisa hemat?
Memperbaiki pondasi dari dua lantai ke satu lantai, adalah memungkinkan. Biasanya dilakukan penambahan. Namun pertama, harus dilakukan dahulu pemeriksaan pada pondasi tersebut apakah layak atau tidak digunakan, apakah hanya perlu ditambahkan saja. Apa lagi bila ini adalah rumah di perumahan, adakalanya sistem struktur dan pondasinya kurang layak bahkan untuk satu lantai saja. Kolom yang menahan beban dua lantai harus lebih kuat karena bebannya lebih besar. Kadangkala perlu diberi kolom baru untuk mengurangi bentangan balok dan besarnya kolom. Penentuan titik dan besar kolom tambahan harus dikonsultasikan pada ahli struktur, mengingat ini menyangkut keselamatan bangunan.
3. Menurut Pak Probo, atap di dak/beton apakah lebih hemat penataan ruang (biar tidak ada tikus di atap), apa kerugiannya?. Seperti gambar kamar atap dak Mungkinkah jika saya mengaplikasi model tersebut?

4. Jika bangunan terdiri 2 lantai saya ingin letak tangga tidak di berada dekat dapur karena biasanya basah dan licin.
Betul ibu. Tapi tergantung juga dengan kondisi dapurnya. Untuk dapur saat ini, banyak dan memang selalu didesain dengan baik sehingga lantainya tidak basah atau licin. Dan ini bisa direncanakan melalui proses perancangan bersama arsitek ibu.
5. Jika mungkin, bagaimana dan dimana posisi untuk membuat sumur resapan hujan dengan ukuran luas tanah seperti saya?
Pada dasarnya sumur resapan air hujan bisa dibuat dimana saja, baik di bagian depan bangunan, samping, atau belakang. Ini untuk resapan air hujan. Bila untuk resapan dari septic tank, harus dipikirkan letaknya bila ibu menggunakan sumur untuk konsumsi rumah tangga. Jaraknya harus lebih dari 10 meter agar air tidak tercemar. Sumur resapan air hujan juga bisa dilengkapi dengan tandon atau bak tadah hujan. Tujuannya agar air hujan bisa ditampung lebih dahulu di bak tadah hujan, lalu baru dialirkan ke sumur resapannya. Air hujan ini bisa dipakai untuk mengairi tanaman disekitar rumah, untuk mencuci benda-benda, atau keperluan lainnya, bahkan untuk air pembilas closet.
6. Dari denah awal, jarak antara sumur dengan WC sekitar 2 m, apakah aman ? Apabila tidak sesuai harus saya bongkar/tata ulang? Jika tidak keberatan bisa digambarkan posisi sumur/PAM dengan WC dan septic tank yang baik agar aman.
Jarak tersebut tidak aman, jadi sebaiknya dipindahkan saja septic tanknya. Bila ibu berencana atau memiliki carport dibagian depan (disamping ruang tamu), bisa diletakkan disitu. Saat ini ada juga produk septic tank yang sangat tertutup berupa tangki yang ditanam langsung dan tingkat pencemarannya sangat rendah karena menggunakan bakteri pengurai limbah. Sistem ini bisa menggunakan sumur resapan yang letaknya jauh dari sumur, bahkan bisa langsung dialirkan ke saluran riol.
by Probo Hindarto
ENGLISH VERSION: Things to know before renovating one level house into two levels
One friend, Elly Hanifa send an email to ask about some things that must be considered when renovating the house would belong to "type 21 house" to be build two floors. Perhaps some of you who have a similar problem? Indeed, things around the foundation, structural systems, sanitation systems, space and other matters should first carefully planned before building, to prevent any future errors that require us to spend more money again in the future.
1. Is there a difference between the structure of one floor of a house foundation with two floors?
There are. The difference in the power of the foundation, whose relationship to the large number of columns and beams are used. Foundation for the two floors would be fit and strong for the two floors, so there is the possibility of a floor foundation must be dismantled, changed, added or replaced so much stronger.
2. However, if the initial foundation structure is reserved for one-story building if I can fix the foundation but did not completely change the existing foundation in order to be cost-efficient?
Improving the foundation of two floors to one floor, is possible. Usually done adding. First, however, must be done first checks whether the foundation is feasible or not in use, if only to add it. What more if this is a residential house, sometimes the system structure and its foundation is less feasible even for one floor only. Column weight of two floors to be more powerful because its burden is greater. Sometimes a new column needs to be given to reduce the amount of stretch of the beam and column. Determination of the point and an additional column should be consulted on the master structure, since it concerns the safety of the building.
3. According to Mr. Probo, roof dak / concrete is more efficient arrangement of space (let no rats in the roof), what disadvantages?. Like the roof of the room pictures not possible if I apply these models?
The roof is good enough, especially when there are functions above, for example, for an additional room such as the mother desires, or wants to have an open space at the top of the house to gather the family while enjoying the free air. For the rat problem, actually the roof with ordinary ceiling can also free mice, when planned or well-made, such as lack of access to these rodents to enter. Models such as the mother sent this very well and can be made. I also found space under the roof of some houses, in my opinion quite interesting idea. Except for regions with hot climate, affect the temperature level in this space that must be pretty hot.
4. If the building comprises 2 floors I do not want to position the ladder close to the kitchen because usually wet and slippery.
Yes mother. But it also depends on the condition of her kitchen. For the kitchen now, a lot and was always well-designed so that the floor is not wet or slippery. And this can be planned through the design process with the architect's mother.
5. If possible, how and where the position to make a well catchment area of rain with the size of the ground like me?
Basically, the rain water catchment wells can be made anywhere, either at the front of the building, side, or rear. This is for rain water absorption. If for absorption of septic tank, to think about location when mothers use wells for household consumption. The distance should be more than 10 meters to the water is not polluted. Rain water catchment wells can also be equipped with a tank or rainwater tub. Purpose is to make rain water can be accommodated in the tub first rainwater, and then channeled to the new resapannya wells. This rain water can be used to irrigate the plants around the house, to wash things, or other purposes, even to the rinse water closet.
6. From the initial plan, the distance between the wells with a WC of about 2 m, is it safe? If I am not fit to dismantle / reset? If no objection can be described well the position / PAM with a toilet and a good septic tank to be safe.
Distance is not safe, so it should be moved only a septic tank. If the mother has a carport plans or the front (in addition to the living room), can be placed there. We have a septic tank products are also a very private form of a planted tank is a direct and very low pollution levels due to use of waste decompose bacteria. This system can use catchment wells farther away from the well, even directly channeled into sewers channel.
By Probo Hindarto
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