Kutipan: Bata ekpos merupakan sisi lain dan pemasangan batu bata yang lebih menekankan unsur estetik. Bata ekspos banyak dipilih karena mampu menciptakan karakter yang berbeda pada ruanig ataupun bangunan secara keseluruhan. Bata ini tidak hanya bisa tampil pada dinding, tetapi tampil pada bagian-bagian lain sebuah ruang. Jenis batu bata yang digunakan pun bisa bervariasi. Finishingnya pun ada beberapa pllihan. Jika ingin dipercantlk, bata ekspos bisa dipadupadankan dengan material lain yang bernuansa senada.
Bila Anda ingin mempercantik rumah Anda dengan sentuhan material alami khas Indonesia ini, membeli buku ini sebagai inspirasi adalah pilihan bijak :)
by Probo Hindarto
ENGLISH VERSION: Exposed brick material
This book talks about walls with exposed brick, brick exposed may have its own aesthetic character that is very strong. Brick is a material widely used for residential, but not many people want to expose the existence of the bricks. In fact, these materials when shown will give a different special beauty to our home. Currently, too many bricks are produced specifically to be exposed, to form a more orderly and smooth. However, ordinary brick is also quite challenging if we want to expose it.
Excerpt: Exposed brick emphasizes aesthetic elements. Exposed brick was chosen because many are able to create different characters in a room or buildings as a whole. These bricks are not only able to appear on the wall, but appear on other parts of a room. Type of bricks used can vary. There were a few finishing CHOICES. If you want to make it more beautiful, exposed brick can be combined with other materials matching shades.
If you want to beautify your home with a touch of natural materials typical of Indonesia, buying this book as an inspiration is a wise choice:)
by Probo Hindarto
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