Contoh gambar kerja astudio dan realisasinya di lapangan
Salah satu hasil gambar kerja yang dipesan oleh seorang klien, dan kemudian dibangun sendiri berdasarkan gambar kerja dari astudio, adalah rumah Pak Endi. Berikut ini desain dan hasil pembangunan rumahnya:
Hal ini berarti, gambar kerja yang dibuat oleh tim astudio bisa memandu Anda untuk membangun rumah di lapangan. Memang disini sebaiknya gambar kerja haruslah dipahami setidaknya mengerti berbagai hal yang penting bagi Anda untuk mempersenjatai diri dalam bekerjasama dengan kontraktor maupun mandor. Gambar kerja astudio juga sangat mudah dipahami oleh kontraktor.
by Probo Hindarto
ENGLISH VERSION: How can I consult a house design?
As we know, there are two important stages in the process of building a house. Planning stage and construction stage. Astudio can help you to design the house, even if you are outside the city, or outside Java, even though overseas. This is because the design process is a process that can be done through remote communication. But to build the project, is currently still limited by astudio in East Java alone. Our studio is a studio working in various design projects and construction. Astudio has a commitment to help clients get the best home design, which is the same commitment from the first time we built this studio.
To assist you in building a house, Astudio can provide services and work on design development as a contractor. In this case, the process of design and construction process are two different but related to each other. At the time of design, we not only think about the benefits of the project, but more than that, will work to maximum value or to provide more value as a purely working architect. At the time of this design, the client and crew astudio can meet and talk directly, or via email and phone when you're busy, or located outside the city.
Only after all of the design process is complete, clients and contractors can talk about design work, on the condition of the building site located in East Java. Discussion about the development process can be done with the meeting to discuss the ins and outs of the project and Budget Plan (RAB).
[Example astudio working drawings and realization in the field ]
One result of working drawings commissioned by a client, and then built their own based on the working drawings from astudio, is home to Mr. Endi. Here is the design and construction of his house:
by Probo Hindarto
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