Kutipan: Pemaharnan Dasar Komponen Banqunan
Apabila suatu pekerjaan atau renovasi
rumah ingin cepat selesai, logikanya harus
memenuhi persyaratan
• dikerjakan banyak orang,
• dikerjakan oleh orang yang terlatih dan profesional,
• ditunjang oleh peralatan yang memadal, dan
• tersedianya material instan atau setengah jadi
Pemahaman dasar dan keputusan dalam memilih komponen bangunan mempunyai peran pentirig untuk menyukseskan program renovasi cepat. Komponen material bangunan yang menggunakan material instan atau setengah jadi.
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by Probo Hindarto
ENGLISH VERSION: Renovating a house in 24 hours
Quickly renovating a house, is a very urgent need, for example after earthquake, landslide, or any other cause. Principle of quickly renovate a house is also suitable for pressing needs in renovating the house, such as a special event held in a short time. Renovation also avoids short of waiting for residents of the home conditions are not comfortable when the process of building renovation. Book written Gatut Susanta provides comprehensive knowledge for renovation in a short time.
Excerpt: Pemaharnan Basic Components Banqunan
If a job or renovation
house wanted to get it over with, the logic must
• do a lot of people,
• done by a person trained and professional,
• supported by sufficient equipment, and
• instant availability of materials or semi-finished
Basic understanding and decision in selecting the building components have a role to ensuring pentirig quick renovation program. Component of building materials that use instant materials or semi-finished.
To purchase this book, you can visit the nearest bookstore, or purchase through the online store through a 'buy this book'.
by Probo Hindarto
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