Dalam buku ini diulas pentingnya memakai kontraktor, cara kerja, kontrak kerja dan kesepakatan dengan pemilik rumah. Tidak hanya itu, secara detail buku ini juga mengulas tentang bagaimana tahapan kerja yang dilalui bersama kontraktor sehingga kita sebagai pemilik rumah akan merasa lebih aman. Karena buku ini khusus berbicara tentang kontraktor dan berbagai aspeknya, maka sangat dalam diulas berbagai hal secara mendetail, seperti contoh surat kontrak kerja, berbagai pilihan jenis kontrak serta apa yang harus diperhatikan baik oleh pemilik maupun kontraktor.
Bagi Anda yang berniat bekerja dengan kontraktor, sangat baik untuk memiliki buku ini.
by Probo Hindarto
ENGLISH VERSION: Building Smart House
"Building Smart House" was presented by Arif Yusep Kamaludin, a book 'smart' to understand the workings of a building contractor. Today, because not everyone has the time and knowledge sufficient time to build a house, choose to cooperate with the contractor. This book is all about contractors and how it works, with the hope that we all can understand the various aspects of the contractor work from beginning to end.
In the book highlighted the importance of using a contractor, how to work, contracts and agreements with the owner of the house. Not only that, the details of this book also examines how the stages through which work with contractors so that we as home owners will feel more secure. Because this book is specifically talking about the contractors and the various aspects, it is in many ways reviewed in detail, as examples of the work contract, the various options and what types of contracts that must be considered both by the owner or contractor.
For those of you who intend to work with contractors, very good to have this book.
by Probo Hindarto
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