Desain awal Rumah tinggal Bpk Hadi di Riverside.
Proses pembangunan, saat mengecor dak lantai 2.
Tampilan depan rumah.

Tampilan samping rumah.
Tampilan rumah sebelum ditempati.
Beberapa bulan kemudian, kami memotret lagi di rumah tersebut, dan kami mendapati beberapa tanaman ditanam di lokasi dan perabot juga sudah masuk dalam rumah.
Pemiliknya menambahkan atap carport di bagian depan rumah yang menurut kami masih sesuai dengan gaya rumah.
Tampilan samping.
Bagian dalam rumah, dari ruang keluarga kearah ruang tamu. Pemilihan furniture dengan tema krem dan coklat menjadi pelengkap untuk ruang dengan tema warna putih, coklat dan orange ini.
Jendela 'Bop' atau disebut juga 'Bop Window', yaitu jendela bundar dengan frame benangan yang cukup lebar di bagian pinggirnya. Putra yang masih SD berkata bahwa ia suka jendela ini, karena mirip jendela kapal selam.
Desain kitchen set dengan 'Bop Window' yaitu jendela bundar yang kami desainkan untuk kitchen set rumah ini.
Salah satu 'Bop Window' yang ada dibagian samping rumah ini.
Pada dasarnya, kami menganggap desain ini cukup berhasil untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga yang mendiaminya. Rumah ini memiliki 3 kamar tidur plus satu kamar pembantu, namun karena putra-putri ada 3 orang, maka kamar tidur ditambah lagi.
by Probo Hindarto
ENGLISH VERSION: House in Riverside, Malang
Results of astudio design, you can see in the gallery astudio design work, some of which are already built, we will display in the portfolio of built houses by astudio. Several other works up will be shown also in this weblog. The house was built by our team for Mr. Hadi in Riverside, Malang. Design created specifically for this hook land. Construction period lasted for about 5 months total.
[Initial design Hadi Rumah Bpk lived in Riverside]
[The development process, while not mengecor floor 2]
[Front view]
[View side of the house]
[View house before occupied]
A few months later, we were shooting back at the house, and we found some plants grown in the location and furnishings are also already in the house.
The owner added carport roof at the front of the house that we are still in accordance with house style.
[Side view]
[The inside of the house, from living room towards the living room. Elections furniture with beige and brown theme complement to the white theme, this brown and orange]
[Window 'Bop' or called 'Bop Window', which is a round window with a frame wide enough at the edges. Son who is still in elementary school said that he likes this window, because it resembled a submarine window]
[Design kitchen set with 'Bop Window' is a round window of our kitchen set desainkan for this house]
[One view on the floor above. Incidentally we also choose the form of pendants that we think appropriate]
[One of the 'Bop Window' existing at this side of the house]
Basically, we consider it is quite successful design to meet the needs of the familiy who lived in. This house has 3 bedrooms plus a maid's room, but because there are children 3 people, then added another bedroom.
by Probo Hindarto
© Copyright 2009 astudio Indonesia. All rights reserved.
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